Friday, March 27, 2009


Greetings from Chicago!
Today brought our group to a new work site called 'Insight Arts' in Roger's Park neighborhood. The neighborhoods here continue to fascinate me in their distinctiveness, diversity, and communal pride...

So, at Insight Arts, we participated in a Senior Arts program which was a very inspiring and necessary experience because it seemed to re-awaken the group to the importance of RESPECTING your elders!! I don't know why it is becoming so difficult for our society to view the elderly as human beings, but it is truly a disgrace. It seems like we have less and less time to devote to our own family members! I think the entire group would agree that it is necessary to re-invent the way we see the elderly community in the United States.

Personally, I connected with a woman named Amber who explained to me how art has helped her manage her anger and stress. This ensured me, for the 50th time on this trip, that I do want to pursue a career relevant to art therapy.

The entire group benefited greatly from our experience today, and the members of our trip keep reaching new levels of understanding with each passing day.

Thanks for reading.
Randa S.

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